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TonaGenic - Weight Loss

New Discovery Shatters the Rules of Weight Loss!

Forget every dieting and exercise “rule” you’ve ever been told! What I’m about to reveal in this letter will change EVERYTHING!

My name is David Blyweiss, M.D., Medical Advisor to the UniScience Group and a practicing physician. And in all my years of medical practice, helping thousands of folks beat weight problems, I’ve never seen anything work like this.

Stunning, new research has uncovered the ultimate secret to slimming down, dropping inches of fat, flattening your belly, and keeping the weight off for good. And it’s NOT about obsessing over diet and exercise!

Don’t get me wrong, eating right and being active are important for a long and healthy life - it’s just that they don’t solve a weight problem once you’re stuck in a cycle of fat!

Blast Away the Most Stubborn Fat Fast and Forever!
"I just recieved my Tonagenic capsules about 2 weeks ago and I have to say that I noticed a difference almost immediately! I have been sleeping better at night and during the day I have all kinds of sustained energy. I work I on my feet anywhere from 9 to10 hours a day so that's real important. This morning I took my measurements and I'm happy to say I've lost 4 and 1/2 , 2 and 1/2 off my waist! I've also lost. 6 pounds , all in just two weeks! Thanks Tonagenic , I feel great!"* - Mary T. , Kansas

You CAN fix what diet and exercise can’t! It’s all thanks to an easier and dramatically different approach to “conventional” weight loss. It’s not a gimmick, fad diet, or some exhausting exercise program. It’s a way you can drop clothing sizes and watch your body get leaner and healthier day after day, week after week - and it’s healthy and safe!

What’s more, it gives you the kind of energy, strength, and stamina you haven’t felt in years - even decades!

It’s called TonaGenic ...A groundbreaking FAT LOSS DISCOVERY that helps you fix the two most overlooked and misunderstood factors of weight loss...METABOLISM meltdown and loss of MUSCLE MASS.

Shocking Facts on Body Fat, Muscle, and Metabolism
Metabolism is simply the process your body uses to convert what you eat and drink into energy - what’s not used for energy turns into fat, especially in your abdomen! But there’s more to it...

Science shows that losing muscle mass as you age may be the biggest factor affecting your metabolism...triggering weight gain and increasing the amount of fat you store.
From age 30 through 50, you lose anywhere from five to ten pounds of muscle mass (that’s men and women!) This decreasing muscle is what wreaks havoc on your metabolism and packs on the fat!
Every pound of muscle in your body burns 35 calories a day, while each pound of fat burns just 2 measly calories a day. So pound for pound, muscle has 94% more calorie-burning power!
The bottom line: You simply CAN’T slim down without dealing with both your metabolism and muscle loss. And this is the key to new TonaGenic - possibly the most important weight loss breakthrough of our time! It deals with the fact that...

Dieting Makes it Worse and Exhausting Exercise Doesn’t Work!
The trouble is, when you go on a diet that focuses on calorie restriction, it virtually ignores your muscles. In fact, your body actually thinks it’s starving which triggers a survival-type instinct. So while you may lose a few pounds quickly, your body automatically goes into an “energy saving” mode.

This Ends up Lowering your Metabolism and Makes you Burn even Fewer Calories!

The cycle of fat continues no matter how many calories you restrict or how much willpower you have. So maybe you try to sweat the weight off instead. You hit the gym, start running every day, try the latest exercise video...anything to lose the weight. 
So why does it feel like an impossible uphill battle? Because you’re lacking the muscle, strength, and metabolic fuel to get you going and keep you going!

Here’s What Does Work...
TonaGenic works within your own body to break the fat cycle - dealing with both muscle mass and metabolism regardless of your age or fitness level. As you’re about to discover, it works in extraordinary ways...

Turns fat into lean muscle, reducing your body fat by a significant 20%!*
Trims your body shape starting in just weeks - even if you change nothing about your diet and exercise program!*
ORDER YOUR RISK-FREE SUPPLY of TonaGenic and see the SLIMMING RESULTS for yourself!
Continually fuels your metabolism so you burn more calories even when you’re resting!
Flattens and tones unhealthy, unsightly belly fat.
Naturally controls hunger, boosts your energy, and even helps stabilize blood sugar!
No matter how hard you’ve struggled or what your body shape may be, TonaGenic works thanks to three secret ingredients...

Its Phenomenal Slimming Power Comes From Joining Three Natural Powerhouses...
While each of TonaGenic's ingredients is tremendously effective on its own, it’s the synergy of all three that gives you unprecedented fat-fighting benefits. Take a look...

90 days supply - Price - 99.77$

TonaGenic - Weight Loss

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